Sunday 30 July 2017



With billions of people around the world using social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, it is important to include these communities when promoting your product/ business. The number of people we can reach is a huge benefit to using social networking sites to promote our product, as is the amount of resources that are required. Using social media and social networking is a lot cheaper than traditional marketing and advertising methods. you can promote your products using social networking sites by determining where your customers and potential customers are, and getting your product visible on those sites.


1.    Target the social networking sites where we want to promote your product. ...
2.    Establish our goal. ...

3.    Set up a Facebook page. ... your product can have its own page (if you don’t  have one already), where people can like it, comment on it, leave reviews and even link to your website so they can buy it.
·         Encourage people to like your product page. Offer incentives such as recharge cards and discounts. Invite people to share your page with their friends so your community can grow.
·         Develop surveys, quizzes and other engaging content that will generate interest and drive traffic to your page and products. Winners of these quizzes should be invited to your office to collect the prize of free products/gifts and pictures should be taking and posted online for more motivation

4.    Create a Twitter account. ... we can set up an account on Twitter for your product and promote it by attracting followers. Follow people, brands and companies that might be interested in your product. The more people we follow, the more followers we have a chance of attracting

5.    Use LinkedIn if your product is relevant to businesses and professionals. ...
6.    Blog about your product. ...using our blog and other blogs
7.    Put together a YouTube video and share the link on your other social media    platforms
8.    Advertise on popular blogs like Linda ikeji, green news, jiji, Facebook etc.
9.    Send bulk SMS to a specific target.


We all know tweets with images get more engagement. We’ve known for a while that photos on Facebook get more engagement. Even images on LinkedIn get more engagement. Three of the “newest” social networks—Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat, are based entirely on images. So we are going to leverage on the visual when promoting your content. We don’t just create a branded “featured image” to share with your post we create separate images for each of the main points in your content and share repeatedly.


When sharing content, we utilize the customizable posting features on each social media platform. This includes the headline, image, and a description of the content we are sharing. Every marketer and social media user is competing to catch the user’s eye. The more optimized our post is for a particular platform, the more effective our social media promotion will be.
For example, if we share a link to Facebook, we have the opportunity to create a post that truly stands out. All we need is an attention-grabbing headline, a clean, relevant image that piques interest (which might be different from the featured image), and a short, compelling description.
With this formula, we entice readers to click on our content. In the same manner, appending our content with hash tags helps make it more discoverable for those social networks that support them

12.             WE SHARE AT THE RIGHT TIME

Many content marketers overlook this simple concept. For maximum engagement, the content we are sharing needs to reach as many people as possible. So we have to go where the crowd is—and when they are online and active. Then we can compile a posting schedule to ensure we post during a certain time of day.

Keep in mind that different social media platforms may not have the same peak times. While there are many infographics telling you the best time to post in social media, some of it simply comes down to understanding how users engage on each social network, and experimenting. Some social media platforms have features designed to aid us in this process, such as Facebook Insights. In addition, third party tools such as FollowerWonk help estimate the best times for some platforms.


Numerous data studies suggest we are more effective by promoting the same content multiple times on social media.We use multiple images and multiple headlines for our content. This way we engage with our followers without them even knowing we’re reposting the same content. Social media users don’t see most of our posts on any given day anyway. So posting multiple times ensures our audience has a chance to see our content.

14.             WE ASK QUESTIONS

 We don’t just drop links. We drive social media users to communicate with us—this increases the chances they engage with your content—by asking for questions and feedback. Social media was made for people; not for businesses. So we always strive to create a human connection with social media users.
The beauty of social media marketing is that it can improve both our public relations and content marketing, simply by asking for a response. To generate feedback and promote engagement on social media, include a question with our content that compels readers to respond. Better yet, create questions for some of our headlines and test the waters. Questions are a great attention grabber, and  help foster a community of connection that results in more effective social media promotion.


With so many social media sites constantly sprouting up and vying for attention, it can be hard to keep up. Just when we thought we knew everything with the emergence of Ello, now comes Tsu. Having accounts on various sites can be advantageous for fostering innovation and staying creative. But it can also be difficult to choose which platform to post content to.

To reiterate, since different sites serve different purposes and audiences, it’s crucial to familiarize with the major social media platforms our target audience uses to avoid redundancy and simply “dumping” content across all channels, we concentrate on the platforms where we have the highest chance to engage with audience.

16.             WHAT’S NEXT
When it comes to promoting content, social media is one of the most powerful tools available; however, most content marketers fail to truly maximize its potential, that’s why we are here to take that headache from you and manage your social also help you promote your products and services across all platforms online.

17.            WE CAN HELP YOU;
v    Manage your all social media platform
v    Promote your brands/business
v    Place online paid advert
v    Train your staff
v    Design a website
v    Design a blog
v    Phone app design
v    Content and graphic design etc.

We are ready to do business with you.

Thank you in anticipation
         Benson Iduh
CEO, 3riple image concept 

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